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About the Jack Russell Terrier (JRT)
The JRT is a strong, active, little working Terrier of great character with flexible body of medium length. The JRT smart movement matches his keen expression. The JRT is lively, alert and active Terrier with a keen, intelligent expression. Bold and fearless, friendly but quietly confident. Tail docking is optional and the coat may be smooth, rough or broken.
It's important that the JRT proportions overall is longer than high, and the depth of the body from the withers to the brisket should equal the length of foreleg from elbows to the ground, and the girth behind the elbows should be be about 40 to 43 cm.
The ideal hight is 25 to 30 cm, and the weight 5 to 6 kg. White MUST predominate with black and/or tan markings. The tan markings can be from the lightest tan to the richest tan (chestnut).
Some information in Norwegian about dogs health:
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