Champis - May-09
  Tallulah May-09
  Cosmo, Kompis & Fia June-09
  Elling, our malinois, April-2009
  Tallulah and Champis, May 2.-2009

Pictures from 7.th October 2007, Photos by Susann Lorentzen
Some picture from the 23.th of September 2007, photos by Susann Lorentzen:
  It was fun for everyone 
Me and Kompis 16.Sept.-2007 Fia in the ring 15.Sept.-2007
  Fia, 4.Aug.-2007 Fia became BOB, BIG and BIS, Leknes 4.Aug.-07
Fia and Kompis 12.July-2007 Pepsi, Kompis, Fia and Nicky 12.July-2007
Kompis 23.june-2007 Fia 02.June-2007
  Kompis BOB, with CERT, and BIG2 10.June-2007 Fia 2x BOS, with CERT, 9. -10. June-2007
Three siblings; Zakk, Fia and Kompis 20. May - 2007
Me and Fia in the ring, BOB-junior final, Hörby, Sweden 20. May - 2007
  Kompis and Zakk 18. May - 2007 Elling and Kompis playing 06. May- 2007
Kompis, 4 weeks old Kompis, nearly 8 weeks old
The day we got Kompis Kompis, 2 months
  Kompis 5 months Kompis 6 months
  Pixcy became 3. best female puppy at the Canberra Royal Dog Show, Feb. 23th-2007
And some pictures from our farm, our horses and our beautiful natur
